Creating coupons in RankingMojo allows you to offer discounts or redeemable services to your clients, enhancing your marketing and promotional efforts. Follow these steps to set up and manage coupons:

  1. Access the Coupons Section:
    • Log in to your RankingMojo account.
    • Click on the Sales tab in the main menu.
    • Select Coupons from the dropdown menu.
  2. Create a New Coupon:
    • Click the New Coupon button.
    • Fill in the required details:
      • Type: Select either Discount or Redeemable.
      • Name: Enter a name for the coupon.
      • Coupon Code: Create a unique code for the coupon.
      • Percentage Off: Specify the discount percentage if you selected the Discount option.
      • Days Redeemable: Specify the number of days the coupon is valid if you selected the Redeemable option.
      • Quantity: Set the quantity or limit for the coupon usage.
    • Click Save to create the coupon.

By using these steps, you can effectively create and manage coupons, providing attractive incentives for your clients and driving more sales for your business.