Adding new services to your RankingMojo catalog is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to expand your service offerings:

  1. Navigate to Services:
    • Log in to your RankingMojo account.
    • Click on the Sales tab in the main menu.
    • Select Services from the dropdown menu.
  2. Create a New Service:
    • Click the New Service button.
    • Fill out the details on the service creation page, including the service name, description, and any other relevant information.
    • Choose the visibility status of your service:
      • Public: Automatically adds the service to your public service catalog.
      • Hidden: The service will only be accessible via a direct link and will not appear in your public catalog.
    • Click Create to add the service to your catalog.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your service offerings and control the visibility of each service according to your business needs.